Monday, July 23, 2012

catalogue- this'll be a table soon - promise!

John O'Driscoll catalogue

1 Australian Gothic (Breeanna Stewart and Alex O’Driscoll NFS
2 Torquemada- The Fender Inquisition $200
3 Newtown Cemetery $350
4 “A piece of poetry ... a small donation”
Portrait of Scott Welsh $1500
5 Newtown Square – outside the Hub $300
6 Saturn (Phil Ruddock) eating his children $500
7 Newtown copshop – Australia St, Newtown $1000
8 Graffiti Wall, Newtown $800
9 Old Australia Council building,
cnr Lawson and Abercrombie Sts, Chippendale $200
10 Camden St red brick $300
11 Paddington flats $200
12 “It’s a gas!”: Tony Abbott and Rupert Murdoch $160
13 CSIRO sports research $350

14 From Newtown station: busker's night view

Signed inkjet prints unframed $5
Framed $20

Prints selected from and - feel frre to link, download and print

I am available for portrait, landscape and other commissions

Sunday, July 22, 2012

draft flyer

Paintings by John O'Driscoll and selected prints from All in the Name of Liberty and Political Geometry blogs

Fire Gallery, 22 Enmore Rd, Enmore, Tues 24 July 6-9pm